Cultural and social projects

Laser über Kaiserslautern

Science connects! Living this principle, we were immediately on board when Mr. Frohberger and Prof. Dr. Beigang asked us to support the project “Laser over Kaiserslautern” in 2015 and 2017.

We wanted to share our fascination and passion for  “light” with the people in Kaiserslautern.

In 2015, two lasers were installed to send green laser beams from the administration tower of the university to the town hall and the Humbergturm. The latter is a  panoramic tower that seems to sit on top of the city.

In 2017 we sent another light salute over Kaiserslautern as part of the “digital city” project. This time, we used the laser to send Morse coded messages to the people in Kaiserslautern.


As a successful company, we see it as our responsibility to help those who need help. As such, we donate to educational and sports facilities. Our main focus is the promotion of children, because our children are our future.

Wir gratulieren den Fechtern der TSG Kaiserslautern  zu Ihrer hervorragenden Nachwuchsarbeit.

Gerne unterstützen wir Ihr Vorhaben, Inklusion im Fechtsport mit der Integration von Rollstuhlfechten zu ermöglichen.

We congratulate the fencing team TSG Kaiserslautern on their excellent work with young people.

We are happy to support your project to enable inclusion in fencing with the integration of wheelchair fencing.

Wir gratulieren dem Team zu einer erfolgreichen Saison 2021/2022 und wünschen für die kommende Saison viel Erfolg

We congratulate the team on a successful season 2021/2022 and wish them every success for the coming season

  • St. Paulus Stift, Herxheim
  • Wildpark Kaiserslautern
  • Amnesty International
  • Arbeits- und Sozialpädagogisches Zentrum (ASZ)
  • SOS Kinderdorf
  • St. Christophorus Förderzentrum Kaiserslautern
  • TSG Kaiserslautern e.V.
  • e.V.
  • UWR KL e.V.
  • Wikimedia Fördergesellschaft
  • Zoo Kaiserslautern
  • Ärzte ohne Grenzen
  • Förderverein Grundschule Bännjerrück
  • Förderverein Grundschule Morlautern
  • Kindertagesstätte Landstuhl
  • Libre Office, The Document Foundation
  • TV Morlautern e.V.
  • Akaflieg Karlsruhe e.V.
  • Kinderhospiz Sterntaler e.V.
  • Mama/Papa hat Krebs Kaiserslautern e.V.
  • Ocean Clean up
  • Pakt für Pirmasens
  • Bikepark Trippstadt